Ah, summer. It goes so fast. It’s time to start transitioning into back-to-school mode. Before all your wonderful memories of summer fade away, take a little time with your kids to create a summer memories scrapbook! Here are some ideas to help you create a memory of your fun summer times. Then, when it’s chilly and the sun isn’t shining, you can reminisce about those warm, fun, lazy days. Let’s get you started!
Your Summer Memories Scrapbook
First, decide if you’re a digital type or a hands-on glue and paper type. Both can be really fun to take on as projects with your kids. For you digital scrapbook types, sites we like include Shutterfly, Mixbook, and PosterMyWall. Here’s a little explanation of each:
- Shutterfly is a biggie – it’s been around for a long time, and allows you to create digital scrapbooks and other photo items and gifts easily.
- Mixbook – A Shutterfly competitor, Mixbook’s sweet spot is the ability to tweak the provided templates to your liking.
- PosterMyWall – Not a scrapbook site per se, but a cool twist on a scrapbook – make a POSTER of your summer adventures.
For you hands-on paper and glue scrappers, do a quick Google search for local scrapbook businesses. It’s a great way to support a small business owner. If there aren’t any near you, get creative! Construction paper, glitter glue, stickers…all available at Target or Michael’s.
Layout suggestions:
Choose your pictures from your various adventures, and try a few layouts with your kids. Connect with them! See what they remember the most about one particular adventure, and write a short description or story about it to include on the page. Try organizing the pictures and stories chronologically – that can prompt some great memories and help your kids remember all the fun they had.
Suggestion #1: Picture and story – Choose a picture, then write what your child says about it and include it on the page. This is especially fun when your children are little. They do say such cute things!
Suggestion #2: Collage – Choose many pictures, and overlap them. This is great is you’re going for a poster-style, or prefer to keep your the page more visual instead of narrative.
Suggestion #3: Mix and Match – I know my own kids tend to be a little random (aren’t all kids, kinda?) and so let them have at it, giving them creative control over the process. This is art, and art doesn’t need to be perfect. It should be an expression of who they are in this moment of time. Glitter bombs galore!
Enjoy these long lazy days of summer and have a summer memories scrapbook to treasure. You might even find the perfect Holiday card photo tucked away in there while you’re creating! Enjoy!
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