Some people think a toy fort is just a place to hang out inside, perhaps a fort is for a slumber party. Sometimes you have to think OUTSIDE the fort – this one is a drive-thru. These two have a cool nanny who is always creating new activities for them BEFORE they get to homework. She’s found they are more receptive and focused if they’ve done something fun and creative first that has no right or wrong answer – they just CREATE, collaborate, adjust, solve and LAUGH.
Our school has an auction every year. All parents that attend are always short on sitters because of the concentrated demand that night. If two teens sat 5-7 kids that night building Toydles they’d rake in the bucks! Word would get out. Great investment for a babysitter to be able to pull out her Mary Poppins type of kit for the night. Much better than fighting over which show to watch as a group, glitter wars, inedible experiments in the kitchen.
What will you do with your Toydle toy fort? We’d love to see what you’ve done.
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